Invite Emily to speak at your club or event!
Emily’s mission is to share her extraordinary stories and is devoted to expanding public conversation toward a new horizon in human awareness. Her books, Mystical Interludes and Mystical Interludes II, are just the starting point for her talks, which engage and inspire all in attendance. To book her for a speaking engagement for your public or private venue, please contact us.
Mystical Interludes Discussion Group (MIDG) Monthly Meetings
We meet several times monthly, on Zoom and in person. Our Zoom meetings typically are scheduled for the 4th Monday of every month, and feature speakers on a wide variety of topics. In addition, we meet monthly in person, usually on the second Sunday of the month, to exchange ideas and share our experiences with each other. To join our notification list, please contact us.
Recent topics and speakers have included:
- The ESP Enigma, Dr. Diane Hennacy Powell, Scientist, Researcher, Author
- A Walk in the Physical, Christian Sundberg, Author
- Life with Ghosts, Stephen Berkley, Film Producer
- Adventures in Consciousness, Jennifer Evanko
- Be the Magic, Diane Pienta, Author
- Soul Retrieval, Rachel Navaro, Shaman
- A Course in Miracles, Dr. Jon Mundy
- The Magical Workings of the Cosmos, Dr. Lilan Laishley, Astrologer
- The Birth of an American Medium, James Deary
- The Wisdom of Jacob’s Ladder, Jacob Cooper, Author
- Living a Life of Surrender, Dawn Torcellini, Healer, Psychic Medium,
- Evidential Mediumship, Isabella Johnson, Medium, Medical Intuitive, Remote Viewer
- Reading the Akashic Records, Dottie Lamoureaux,
Upcoming Events
Our 2025 MIDG Calendar below is a work in progress, and always evolving to include new speakers and topics. Come with a friend! Meet our members. Hear their mystical interludes.and share your own. Learn all about us, and have a good time!
Our Zoom meetings are notified via email link; our In-Person events meet at the Georgetown Estates Clubhouse on Old Farm Road, Lawrence, PA 15055.
To join our notification list, please contact us.
Past Events
Since 2016 and the publication of Mystical Interludes I and II, Emily has shared her extraordinary experiences and message of love with audiences near and far. For the past couple of years, she’s been on hiatus while taking care of her beloved husband and partner, Jim. Starting in January of 2025 she will resume speaking to live and online audiences.
Her talks have engaged audiences in venues from small and intimate to online podcasts and an international conference. A sampling:
- Local libraries, yoga studios, women’s organizations, organizations like The OMA Center of Mind, Body and Spirit, and the First Spiritualist Church of Pittsburgh.
- Podcasts and radio programs, such as Suzanne Giesemann’s Messages of Hope Radio, Sandra Champlain’s We Don’t Die Radio, Whitley Streiber’s “Dreamland” Podcast, Caroline Chang’s AwaketoOneness Radio, Uplift Your Life Radio, Spirit Sisters Podcast aired in Australia, IANDS Visiting Author Book Club Online, Na A’lehu Library, in Hawaii
- 2019 International Conference of IANDS (The International Association for Near Death Studies) Philadelphia, PA