Welcome to the Mystical Interludes website, a safe space created to explore the extraordinary things that happen to ordinary people. Founded by Emily Rodavich, author, teacher, student, mystical experiencer, and true believer in the power of love, our community invites you to become a part of the shift from fear to love, and so come to know the true power of you.Check out the Mystical Interludes books, our Facebook page, and the Mystical Interludes Discussion Group (MIDG) to learn more about our message of love, and hope, and the endless possibilities that surround us all.
Has anything like this happened to you?
- You have a coincidence that changes your circumstance or provides an answer to a thought or need.
- You dream of an event that happens within days afterward.
- The memory of a deceased loved one fills your thoughts, and you receive a sign that lets you know he/she is there.
- You have an unexpected vision.
- You visit a place for the first time and discover that you know your way around as though you have been there before.
- You have an out-of-body or a near-death experience.
And if you were reluctant, like I was, to share the story with your family or friends, then you may wish to read Book I, Mystical Interludes, now available in paperback { Amazon or Barnes & Noble } or ebook { Kindle or Nook or iTunes }.
And read the 39 awe-inspiring stories in
Mystical Interludes II
Emily Rodavich at the Authors' Zone banquet in Pittsburgh. Her memoir, Mystical Interludes, won first place in the Spiritual/Self-Help category.
Author Emily Rodavich Featured in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette!